Author: admin | Views: 93 | Updated: 2 months ago
Meet the enigmatic Ignatius of Loyola, a restless conquistador-turned-spiritual-leader who founded the revered Jesuit order. This imaginative animated documentary delves into the psyche of the charismatic visionary, exposing the private passions that drove him to dedicate his life to a higher power. Prepare to be captivated by Ignatius' introspective odyssey, as he trades in his sword for a rosary, confronting the darker corners of his own soul in pursuit of enlightenment. Through
In the aftermath of a catastrophic event, a grief-stricken mother embarks on a desperate quest to f…
1 month, 1 week
The tumultuous summer of 1972 still resonates deeply in the collective psyche of Rotterdam's Afrika…
2 months
As the bulldozers close in on her childhood home, a filmmaker daughter takes it upon herself to cap…
1 month, 3 weeks